系主任:熊 巍 教 授



20231-至今 教授

20191-202212 副教授

20158-201812 女子雨天练车与教练讲师







[1] Feng, L., Jiang, T. F., Liu, B. H., and Xiong, W. (2022). Max-Sum tests for cross-sectional independence of high-dimensional panel data. Annals of Statistics. 50(2): 1124-1143.

[2] Xiong, W., Härdle, W. K., Wang, J. R., Yu, K. and Tian, M. Z. (2023+). Mode-based Classifier: A Robust and Flexible Discriminant Analysis for High-dimensional Data. Statistica Sinica, forthcoming, doi:10.5705/ss.202023.0014.

[3] Xiong, W., Pan, H., Wang, J. R. and Tian, M. Z. (2023). An Efficient Model-free Approach to Interaction Screening for High Dimensional Data. Statistics in Medicine. 42(10):1583-1605.

[4] Xiong, W. and Pan, H. (2021). Interaction screening for high-dimensional heterogeneous data via robust hybrid metrics. Statistics in Medicine, 40(29): 6651–6673.

[5] Xiong,W., Chen, Y., and Ma, S. (2023). Unified Model-free Interaction Screening via CV-Entropy Filter. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 180C,107684.


[1] Xiong, W., Härdle, W. K., Wang, J. R., Yu, K. and Tian, M. Z. (2023+). Mode-based Classifier: A Robust and Flexible Discriminant Analysis for High-dimensional Data. Statistica Sinica, forthcoming, doi:10.5705/ss.202023.0014. (A-,SCI)

[2] Xiong, W., Pan, H., Wang, J. R. and Tian, M. Z. (2023). An Efficient Model-free Approach to Interaction Screening for High Dimensional Data. Statistics in Medicine. 42(10):1583-1605. (A, IF:2.497).

[3] Xiong,W., Chen, Y., and Ma, S. (2023). Unified Model-free Interaction Screening via CV-Entropy Filter. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 180C,107684. (B, IF:2.035)

[4] 熊巍,潘晗,虞克明,田茂再. (2023) 复杂高维异质性数据的加权最优分位回归方法中国科学:数学onlinedoi:10.1360/SSM-2022-0080. (B+)

[5] 熊巍,杨瀚轩,田茂再. (2023+) 基于微博社交网络结构的直播经济探究, 数理统计与管理,已接收. (B)

[6] 熊巍王娟,潘晗,田茂再(2023). 多重稳健的高维缺失数据插补研究,统计信息与论坛,38(2):3-15



[7] Feng, L., Jiang, T. F., Liu, B. H., and Xiong, W. (2022). Max-Sum tests for cross-sectional independence of high-dimensional panel data. Annals of Statistics. 50(2): 1124-1143. (A, IF:4.904)

[8] Xiong, W. and Pan, H. (2021). Interaction screening for high-dimensional heterogeneous data via robust hybrid metrics. Statistics in Medicine, 40(29): 6651–6673. (A, IF:2.373)

[9] Xiong, W., Tian, M. Z., Tang, M. L., and Pan, H. (2022). Robust and Sparse learning of varying coefficient model with high-dimensional features. Online. Journal of Applied Statistics. https://doi.org/10.1080/02664763.2022.2109129 (SCI)

[10] Rui, R., Tian, M. and Xiong, W. (2022). Exploration of the impact of political ideology disparity on COVID-19 transmission in the United States. BMC Public Health 22, 2163. (SCI, Q2, IF:4.135)

[11] Yang, H., Xiong, W., Zhang, X., Wang, K. and Tian, M. (2021). Penalized Homophily Latent Space Models for Directed Scale-free Networks. PloS One, 16(8): e0253873. (共同一作,SCIIF: 3.240)

[12] Chu, Z. J., Tai, L. N., Xiong, W., Guo, X. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). The Horvitz-Thompson Weighting Method for Quantile Regression Estimation in the Presence of Missing Covariates. Journal of Mathematical Research with Application, 41(3):303-322.

[13] Xiong, W. and Tian, M. Z. (2019). Weighted Quantile Regression Theory and Its Application. Journal of Data Science. 17(1), 145-160. https://doi.org/10.6339/JDS.201901_17(1).0007.

[14] Xiong, W., Tian, M. and Tang, M. (2017). Randomized Quantile Regression Estimation for Heteroscedastic Nonparametric Model. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 46(10),5147-5179. (SCI)

[15] Xia, W., Xiong, W. and Tian, M. (2016). Heteroscedasticity Detection and Estimation with Quantile Difference Method. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity . 29:511-530. (SCI)

[16] Xiong, W. and Tian, M. (2014). A New Model Selection Procedure Based on Dynamic Quantile Regression. Journal of Applied Statistics. 41 (10), 2240-2256. (SCI)

[17] Xiong, W. and Tian, M. (2015). Simultaneous Variable selection and Parametric estimation for quantile regression. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society. 44 (1), 134-149. (SCI)

[18] Xiong, W. and Tian, M. Z. (2014). A Novel Robust and Efficient Tool for Detecting Heteroscedasticity, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 10(2): 169-185.


[19] 熊巍, 潘晗, 刘立新. 稳健高效的高维成分数据近似零值插补方法及应用[J], 统计研究, 2020, 37(5):102-116. (A)

[20] 秦磊, 熊巍, 田茂再. 大数据下Leverage重要性抽样方法的稳健改进[J]. 统计研究, 2016, 33(8):101-105. (A)

[21] 何静,熊巍,田茂再. 无交叉可加分位回归曲线及房价研究[J]. 数理统计与管理, 2015, 34(4):707-718.

[22] 熊巍,田茂再. 刻度函数的稳健估计方法[J]. 系统科学与数学, 2014, 34(6): 703-717.

[23] 熊巍,潘晗,李林巍,刘立新. 监事会特征的优化能否稳健提升企业经营效率? ——来自沪深两市上市公司的证据. 调研世界,20223, 42-54.

[24] 熊巍,田茂再. 最优分位水平及其衍生应用[J],高校应用数学学报A, 2019, 34(1): 25-43.

[25] 王娟,熊巍. 基于矩阵分解的最近邻推荐系统及其应用[J],统计与决策, 2019(6):17-20.

[26] 马春桃, 熊巍, 田茂再. 重复测量诊断试验的ROC曲线广义线性混合效应模型. 中国卫生统计, 2017,34(001):2-6.

[27] 张瑞,熊巍. 金融市场的稳健系统风险测定基于coVaRMES的恒生综合指数分析. 管理现代化,2017(5)109-112.

[28] 王佳, 熊巍, 田茂再. 北京市区域教育资源分配研究[J]. 数学的实践与认识, 2016(22) : 65-73.


  1. 面向现代复杂数据的统计前沿理论与应用研究2022,学校青年创新团队项目

  2. 创新的尾部相关测度指标及其在极端突发事件的理论研究与应用,2020国家自然科学青年基金项目

  3. 基因与环境的交互效应对复杂疾病的影响及稳健地识别分析与应用2016教育部人文社科青年基金

  4. 精度矩阵的稳健估计及其应用,2020,惠园优秀青年学者项目







